34 National, 45 National, 56 National, & 68 National Parts Catalog
Need help finding the right parts for your machine? Click links below to download the 34, 45, 56, & 68 National catalog pages!
Please Note: These pages apply to Headers starting with these serial #'s: 34 National/42150 -- 45 National/34698 --
56 National/34815 -- 68 National/34915
Brake Treadle - (Key #BR-1 thru BR-31)
Camshaft - (Key #CM-1 thru CM-44)
Cross Shaft - (Key #CR-1 thru CR-31)
Cutoff Lever Assembly - (Key #CL-1 thru CL-31)
Die Block & Kick out Mechanism - (Key #KO-1 thru KO-55)
Discharge Ejector for 34 Header Only - (Key #DE-1 thru DE-36)
Discharge Ejector for 45, 56, & 68 Headers - (Key #DF-1 thru DF-34)
Eccentric Shaft & Counterbalance - (Key #ES-1 thru ES-72)
Feed Box & Brake - (Key #FB-1 thru FB-62)
Feed Clutch & Auxiliary Brake for 56 & 68 Headers - (Key #FC-1 thru FC-25)
Feed Clutch, Control Lever, & Auxiliary Brake for 34 & 45 Headers - (Key #FD-1 thru FD-36)
Feed Lever Assembly - (Key #FL-1 thru FL-51)
Heading Slide & Punch Rocker Assembly - (Key #HS-1 thru HS-54)
Heading Slide Liners - (Key #HL-1 thru HL-16)
Knockout In Cone & Finish Punch - (Key #KP-1 thru KP-65)
Punch Rocker Shifter Lever & Connections - (Key #SL-1 thru SL-24)
Pusher Mechanism - (Key #PO-1 thru PO-31)
Relieving Knockout Mechanism - (Key #RK-1 thru RK-40
Stock Gage Adjusting Assembly - (Key #SG-1 thru SG-19)
Transfer Roller Lever & Head - (Key #TR-1 thru TR-33)
Wire Straightener - (Key #WL-1 thru WL-15)
Camshaft - (Key #CM-1 thru CM-44)
Cross Shaft - (Key #CR-1 thru CR-31)
Cutoff Lever Assembly - (Key #CL-1 thru CL-31)
Die Block & Kick out Mechanism - (Key #KO-1 thru KO-55)
Discharge Ejector for 34 Header Only - (Key #DE-1 thru DE-36)
Discharge Ejector for 45, 56, & 68 Headers - (Key #DF-1 thru DF-34)
Eccentric Shaft & Counterbalance - (Key #ES-1 thru ES-72)
Feed Box & Brake - (Key #FB-1 thru FB-62)
Feed Clutch & Auxiliary Brake for 56 & 68 Headers - (Key #FC-1 thru FC-25)
Feed Clutch, Control Lever, & Auxiliary Brake for 34 & 45 Headers - (Key #FD-1 thru FD-36)
Feed Lever Assembly - (Key #FL-1 thru FL-51)
Heading Slide & Punch Rocker Assembly - (Key #HS-1 thru HS-54)
Heading Slide Liners - (Key #HL-1 thru HL-16)
Knockout In Cone & Finish Punch - (Key #KP-1 thru KP-65)
Punch Rocker Shifter Lever & Connections - (Key #SL-1 thru SL-24)
Pusher Mechanism - (Key #PO-1 thru PO-31)
Relieving Knockout Mechanism - (Key #RK-1 thru RK-40
Stock Gage Adjusting Assembly - (Key #SG-1 thru SG-19)
Transfer Roller Lever & Head - (Key #TR-1 thru TR-33)
Wire Straightener - (Key #WL-1 thru WL-15)